As a specialist in developing and manufacturing technical paper cores Lenzhard is a renowned and well respected partner of the paper film and foil industries Covering the fibre drum cardboard spool edge protector and profile segments the former Cartub AG expanded the product portfolio considerably The fibre drum segment Cosmo drums Fiso drums for which Cartub is considered one of the leading vendors shows great promise Its UN certified hazardous goods packaging for storing and transporting powdered and granular goods is of particular interest to the food pharmaceutical and chemical industries Cartub s commitment to sustainability is proof that it shares more than just a brand name with the other companies in the Kunert Group Its fibre drums carry the SEFFi seal of quality for global adherence to environmental and production standards The newly acquired Cartub AG will be an asset to everyone involved The Cartub and Lenzhard teams will work together to inspire customers in Switzerland and Italy with innovative economic solutions NEW MARKET OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE KUNERT GROUP A TRUE COMMUNITY OF VALUES MORE EXPERTISE MORE SYNERGISTIC EFFECTS MORE FUTURE PROOFING Seated Pierre R Lüthi left Manfred Kunert Standing Björn von Burg left Kurt Moser
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