HOW THE KUNERT GROUP S NETWORK IS FURTHERING THE QUALITY OF PAPER CORES ELEPHANTS ON BALANCE BEAMS The tighter the market the greater the demand for efficient solutions because using less material means lower costs In logistics too the search continues for new ways to lower costs Trends in the market for corrugated base paper constantly push toward thinner papers and larger rolls more weight on each roll longer runtimes allowing more frequent clamping and releasing of the rolls Standing up to these requirements is no mean feat for a paper core But if it buckles in the end the result is exploding costs rather than reduced spending THE FUTURE OF PAPER CORES We regard it as our mission to keep driving innovation forward to develop hard wearing cores for our customers As a company we depend on what may be our greatest strength namely the deep well of knowledge and expertise that is the Kunert Group IT ALL STARTS WITH RESOURCES The sturdiness of a core depends first and foremost on the paper from which it s made And that s exactly what the core board production plants of the Kunert Group focus on producing paper with exactly the right technical characteristics such as cleavage strength values between 200 and 1 000 joules per square metre as specified for the cores that Paul Co produces The core quality levels W1 to W6 are designed for various applications and paper roll weight from three to six tonnes The right paper core allows manufacturers of raw corrugated cardboard paper not only ideal handling and smooth running operations but also satisfied long term customers Because when it s at the corrugated cardboard production system that s when a paper core shows what it can do PRESERVING VALUE At the same time the Kunert Group is also increasing its investments in production development employee qualifications and quality management This is resulting in constant improvements in process reliability and quality of our paper cores which have earned us a leading position in the market Numerous certifications speak to our commitment to quality And we are confident that soon the elephant will be able to invite some friends to join him on the balance beam Did you know that even conventional cores for corrugated base paper can withstand maximum loads of about three tonnes That s about the same weight as an hippopotamus bull Today higher quality cores can carry loads equivalent to a fully grown African elephant bull And even if the industry needs cores to accommodate multiple elephants Paul Co will keep up with the demand KU NE RT LO OK PA GE 44 PR OD UC TS P ap er co res
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