Halaspack in Kiskunhalas produces paper cores and edge protectors for the Eastern European market Our Halaspack site has many years of experience in the production of paper cores and has belonged to the Kunert Group since 2001 During the past few years investments have been made in a modern manufacturing building and a new production line One speciality of our Hungarian plant are Femcare paper cores These cores are produced according to the highest hygiene standard and represent an environmentally friendly alternative to plastic applicators ANOTHER SPECIALITY OF HALASPACK ARE ITS FIBRE DRUMS Paul Co Slovensko in Ružomberok Slovakia produces spirally wound cores of various quality levels and dimensions We ve made investments in the buildings and machinery in order to ensure that our customers are reliably supplied with cores of consistently high quality HALASPACK IN HUNGARY AND PAUL CO SLOVENSKO OUR EXPERTISE IN EASTERN EUROPE
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